Para recibir dinero del exterior:


domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010


A summary of Argentinian history. A display of luxury and art in a way that you can hardly find in other places of the world. A didactic and amusing walk, full of mysteries, strange stories, mystic and esoteric.

An environment where the splendor of life and the peace of death coexist, which, exhibited at first sight, becomes the other step that we all take, in a tangible way.

Visit the places where the remains of many of the Argentinian presidents rest, such as Sarmiento, Mitre, Avellaneda, Carlos Pellegrini, Roque Saenz Peña, Yrigoyen, Illia, Alvear or the first democratic president after the last militar dictatorship, Dr. Raúl Alfonsin.

You will associate what you have learned at school with the real facts, by seeing the mausoleums of Admiral Guillermo Brown, the wife of Gral San Martin, Saavedra, boxer Luis Angel Firpo (the first argentinian boxer who challenged a world wide title), Pedro Benoit ( the designer of La Plata city), the Nobel Prize Alejandro Leloir, Vicente Lopez y Planes, Blanca Podestá, the Governor Juan Manuel de Rosas, Mariquita Sanchez de Thompson, Facundo Quiroga, Alberdi, Alsina, the writer Victoria Ocampo. Ancient enemies who today share the same graveyard, such as Dorrego and Lavalle, Eva Perón and Generals Leonardi or Aramburu, or the toughest rivals of the 1880 generation, Alem and Roca.

Romances, schemings, people buried still alive. The same exhibitionist competence of wealth, as it was displayed at the Buenos Aires Palaces.

You will see the exhibition of the largest possible number of sculptures per m2 in the world, even more than in the Vatican. The combination of catholicism, freedom of thought, paganism, secret symbolism and masonry, as you can hardly find in other parts of the world.

An enjoyable visit, during around two hours, which will give you an explanation of argentinian history, our habits and it will help you to understand why we are the way we are, a key answer to be introduced in the historical facts of the Bicentenary of our homeland.


1 comentario:

  1. Anónimo6:20 p.m.

    Hola Daniel,
    Gracias por tu correo electronico.
    Me recuerdo de nuestro día pasado juntos en Buenos Aires. Ahí tienes 2 fotografías de nuestro encuentro. Apreciamos enormemente nuestro viaje en el noroeste argentino e Iguazu. Espero volver de nuevo próximamente para visitar tu muy lindo país y también Chile
    Hasta pronto
    Philippe Accomo, de Francia
